Saturday 10 January 2009

The begining of 2009 leaves me excited...

  • at the prospet of a trip to the big smoke with Oliber! were i shall get to see Xam!

  • at my new cameras when i get my loan through!

  • at my new piercings i've decided i want lol.

  • at the prospect of sound and fury and ieper this year! where i will get to see Haroun, drive around in his whip and be really "hood" together haha! and obviously see a bucket load of amazing bands.

  • to get my new house in september with Bex, Will and Parton!

  • for tour in April!!!!!

  • Newquay in Summer with Bex!

and loads more that 2009 has so bring! it's going to be a good year i can feel it! Last night was a brilliant example of this. A great nights work resulting in me being more than merry! Followed by an amazing and messy night out with Charli. Followed by an encounter with a less-than-friendly policewoman! good times!

Word of the day...

fastidious \fa-STID-ee-uhs\, adjective:
hard to please; extremely refined or critical

word xo

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