Sunday 4 January 2009

4 days in...

Well 2009 began with a bang, and is steadily rolling on. NYE was a fantastic night/day. Check my facebook for more pictures if you know me. It took me an hour to do my hair, which was pretty pointless considering the state we were all in! ha!

On a downer now... I miss Boston, MA so much. I miss the family and friends and the place in general. I've been flicking through my friends Orlando pictures from the Xmas holidays and have become all nostalgic, remembering the amazing times I've had over there over on the East side! From Disney World when i was a young'un, to shopping in outlets in Boston and seeing the family in Haverhill, sightseeing in NY and all the rest. It's such a fantastic place. I better start saving so I can go!

Well, revision starts today! I have two exams (eggs-hams as Jo says) to revise for. One of which i have'nt got a clue what I'm supposed to be revising, as I didn't attend any lectures in the past month (idiot!). So today is more of a learning session than a revision session. 1week and 5days until i move back into my flat! I can't wait to see all my friends again and get back into the routine! 1week and 6days untill my first exam. 2weeks and 2days until my second exam. I'm so nervous. It's funny how the higher up in education I get, the more nervous i become with each exam!

peace xo

Word of the Day;

zealous \ZEL-uhs\, adjective:
full of zeal; actively enthusiastic

To remain obdurate before authority, to display one's loyalty to the collective, to be a zealous student wholeheartedly eager to deepen one's grasp of doctrine--these were qualities that bore witness precisely to the personal, to the individual.

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