Wednesday 14 January 2009

Thought Vacation

total vacuum inside my head today.

today i am loving;
  • righteous jams
  • pulling teeth
  • jack wills wrist warmers
  • my new polaroid camera
  • innocent smoothies
  • reaaaalllllyyyyyy loooooongggg showers
  • fake-bake

today i'm hatin';

  • revision as usual
  • lack of monetry value in my bank account
  • lack of self control
  • breaking a nail! these cost me 40quid!
  • having little time to do alot!

getting my hair done tomorrow, i shall feel much better. i'm also going to the doctors, because my legs won't stop itching!!!!!!! allerigic reaction? echzma? hope not! also writing my CV tomorrow, with help from the parentals! i need all the help i can get to make me sound employable. i am in serious need of a job, just extra cash that i can put away into a savings account for California this summer!

keepin' it real since 1989! xo

Tuesday 13 January 2009

city lights

Can't wait to be here. SNF09 is going to be one hell of a trip! Going with the best girls. Meeting the best people there. I'm going to end up leaving my heart behind, i can feel it.

My sleep pattern is totally fucked up. Too many late nights and staying up untill 6am talking to a certain cutie from the states is not helping ha, totally worth it.

Revision going well-ish. Got my head down a bit more today, so got a large chunk of it done. It's boring doing it so i'm sure it'sboring reading about it. I'll stop...

Moving back to Hull on Sunday. Can't wait. I miss my busy social life. This town is dead. A dead town full of dead-beats.

I'd like someone to share these moments with. You know the quiet ones. Where there's nothing to do, except nothing. Infact, i'd like someone to share all my moments with. Someone to make my stomach flip over everytime they say something. That would be nice... I'll have to keep my eyes and heart open until such a person leaps into my life. Leap away guys, please? ha.

keep it real xo

Word of the Day;

iconoclast \ahy-KON-uh-klast\, noun:

a person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions as foolish or wrong

Sunday 11 January 2009

late night thinking time

every night. If I'm awake and alone, i start thinking. and not about anything good, i think about all the rubbish stuff; blow it out of proportion and then work myself up about it. sucks to be me late at night.

thought 1: how come just cos someones girlfriend doesnt really like me, they find it hard to talk to me nowadays?
thought 2: i'm definately going to fail my exams. so lame, i should really go to more lectures ha.
thought 3: i wish i was back in the states. i miss boston, alot! at least i;m off to sound and fury this year, well if i can find anyone who hasn't booked it all up already!
thought 4: i want it to hurry up and be summer so i can see a certain someone and just be warm again ha
thought 5: i need to stop wishing my life away, it's so hard when current affairs SUCK. why do i have this feelingof despair in my heart. i feel as if im slowly becoming no one, when all i want to be is someone. and someone big!

that's enough misery for this eve!
positiveness is needed. if i am to survive this last week at home, i am in dire need of some posi attitude. anyone now where i can buy some? i'll trade you this negativeness for a hit? ha.

'we laugh at the waves as they crash on us'


Saturday 10 January 2009

just realised

my last 3 posts have included a list of what i want to do this year ha!
better make sure i get it done! xo

The begining of 2009 leaves me excited...

  • at the prospet of a trip to the big smoke with Oliber! were i shall get to see Xam!

  • at my new cameras when i get my loan through!

  • at my new piercings i've decided i want lol.

  • at the prospect of sound and fury and ieper this year! where i will get to see Haroun, drive around in his whip and be really "hood" together haha! and obviously see a bucket load of amazing bands.

  • to get my new house in september with Bex, Will and Parton!

  • for tour in April!!!!!

  • Newquay in Summer with Bex!

and loads more that 2009 has so bring! it's going to be a good year i can feel it! Last night was a brilliant example of this. A great nights work resulting in me being more than merry! Followed by an amazing and messy night out with Charli. Followed by an encounter with a less-than-friendly policewoman! good times!

Word of the day...

fastidious \fa-STID-ee-uhs\, adjective:
hard to please; extremely refined or critical

word xo

Thursday 8 January 2009

tired eyes...

revising all day. well i could have done better, but i have little to zero amount of drive.

been planning my states trips with parents and friends today. hopefully sound and fury is on the cards this year. Even if not, winter 2009 or summer 2010, shall be seeing a visit to the states. a short stop in boston followed by an east coast tour courtesy of some rad friends!

i've decided on some resolutions...

  1. start drawing alot more again, it relaxes me and i miss it!
  2. get my driving liscence! trains bore me now!
  3. get fit!(standard NYresolution that graces everyone's list at somepoint)
  4. do more travelling, especially to america
  5. spend less money on uselss shite!

good list so far in my eyes.

tired eyes...


nothing profound today

just general thoughts...

so much to do this year and so little money today it with

on top of endless gigs there is...
  • snowboarding in Val at the end of feb
  • tour in easter
  • newquay in summer
  • sound and fury in the states
  • ieperfest in belgium
  • buying and moving into my new house

and all the wonk, partying and frivolity in between!

i'm gonna have to get a 2nd student loan. or alternatively, a better job!

write your suggestions here!

Word of the Day...

daunt \dawnt, dahnt\, verb:

1. to frighten; overcome with fear

2. to discourage; lesson the courage of

Wednesday 7 January 2009

i can say...

i hope it will be worth what i give up...


Monday 5 January 2009

nothing like...

a flick past an ex boyfriend's profile, to bring you straight back down again.


nothing like...

listening to an uplifting song to make you feel better.

i currently feel that my life actually might go somewhere. and that i can make it go somewhere.
i hope this feeling lasts a little while longer, i'm enjoying it. now... where am i going?!

another question, for another day.

Do you...

...ever think about me when i think about you? Doubt it.

Reasonably easy day today. Got to finish work early and wonder round town. I seem to be having a problem getting my head down to revise. Also, I just looked at a past paper...I'm severly worried. I don't know one thing that is on it! Crikey, best start reading some books!

I have no interesting annecdotes as of yet to add.

peace xo.

Word of the Day...

abstinent \AB-stuh-nuhnt\, adjective:
abstaining, especially from self-indulgence

Sunday 4 January 2009

4 days in...

Well 2009 began with a bang, and is steadily rolling on. NYE was a fantastic night/day. Check my facebook for more pictures if you know me. It took me an hour to do my hair, which was pretty pointless considering the state we were all in! ha!

On a downer now... I miss Boston, MA so much. I miss the family and friends and the place in general. I've been flicking through my friends Orlando pictures from the Xmas holidays and have become all nostalgic, remembering the amazing times I've had over there over on the East side! From Disney World when i was a young'un, to shopping in outlets in Boston and seeing the family in Haverhill, sightseeing in NY and all the rest. It's such a fantastic place. I better start saving so I can go!

Well, revision starts today! I have two exams (eggs-hams as Jo says) to revise for. One of which i have'nt got a clue what I'm supposed to be revising, as I didn't attend any lectures in the past month (idiot!). So today is more of a learning session than a revision session. 1week and 5days until i move back into my flat! I can't wait to see all my friends again and get back into the routine! 1week and 6days untill my first exam. 2weeks and 2days until my second exam. I'm so nervous. It's funny how the higher up in education I get, the more nervous i become with each exam!

peace xo

Word of the Day;

zealous \ZEL-uhs\, adjective:
full of zeal; actively enthusiastic

To remain obdurate before authority, to display one's loyalty to the collective, to be a zealous student wholeheartedly eager to deepen one's grasp of doctrine--these were qualities that bore witness precisely to the personal, to the individual.