Sunday 2 November 2008

Catching up.

Before i welcome myself back i need to excuse my absence.

Since my move at the end of september my life has literally been caught up in the whirlwind that is first year of university. And not one moment of it has been boring! after the initial meeting and greeting of my flatmates we set about making sure we attended every single freshers event possible! Some shit. Some awesome. I have thrown my self into the lifestyle with such force that i never have any time to sit down and actually be bored, which is always good. I made the netball team, I'm dancing again, I have a job doing promo for the uni and my boss is awesome, and not only that... I have my own RADIO SHOW! pretty awesome stuff. Of corse there is the downside that i have work to do, essays to write and research to participate in but I'm sure i handle it. I have made a million friends here and there, some i will probably never see/talk to again, and some who I will probably end up living with next year! On the downside one relationship has ended and not in the nicest of ways, and I'm left feeling a little bewildered if anything, as not only am I left without a relationship but also without a friendship which baffles me.

So even in the midst of all that, i have found time to give myself a birthday present! Courtesy of the lovely Jon Vasey. It is now mostly coloured (not fully as I completely wimped out during the colour in Sheffield and decided it was best finished at a later date, sorry Vasey lol). I'm so happy about the (almost) finished result and have wasted no time in showing it off and getting my leg out!
So for the rest of the year I'm going to be one busy woman with all of my uni activities and also fitting shows like Verse, HaveHeart, Cruel Hand, Carpathian, Death Is Not Glamourous, NFG, SYG, 4Year Strong and Crime In Stereo.
In a way, I still can't wait to go home, be looked after by my parents and see all my friends back home!
In another sense of the phrase catching up, I wonder if this extremely busy lifestyle will catch up on me soon enough? Or if I will be able to manage? Guess I'll have to just wait and see...

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