Tuesday 4 November 2008

Anything but that...

I am struggling considerably to write this essay of a mear 500words. It's a pityful attempt and I'm only hoping i manage to shake it off in time for real essay, that count for something.

So I'm dragging up my past and i have no idea why. I've been sat here, bringing up all the negative stuff that's happened in my life and for what reason? I was already feeling low and decided to feel lower? Stupid thought-train. So yeah tonight has definately not been a productive evening, i have dont little to no work, and i have just sat and wallowed in self pity. Why does our negative past, decide to haunt us in our sadest hours?

There's a few things that keep playing on the back of my mind. A matter of choices and a matter of pride. I have lost a few things recently (and no i don't mean i lost my wallet or similar item), I mean things that meant something to me; emotions, people, and i'm still left wondering "what the hell just happened". I know i seem to be talking in riddles, but not giving to much away and trying to vent is quite a mean feat!

I want my friends back - and what grinds me down is that this on one hand is compltely up to and it is me who should be trying to put things to rights, and yet i have no idea how to make this better, lest i find a time machine.
I want my positivity back - suppose i may have to wait for that one?
I want my lonliness gone - sitting alone in my room can't be helping.
I would also very much like this essay done - and that my friends, will not be happening anytime soon.

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