Wednesday 27 May 2009


not studied for my finals

shit son

i keep getting distraccted. as i write i'm sat in the dresing room at newcastle university, whilst the blackout play their set. sounding really good!! silverstein, the urgency and hollywood undead were real good too, its been a great gig.

off to liverpool tomorrow and then back to hull where i shall, be awaiting a visit from the beautiful Holli!!!! and we're hittin the town !!! it's gonna be an awesome laugh. and then MAYBE i'll get some studying done and pass these fucking finals haha.

wow, it is hot as a fuck in here! xo

Thursday 21 May 2009

Mr & Mrs K. Etamine

i think my mind is slightly addled from narcotics

by slightly i mean, wow yeh quite a bit

cliche's and self sabotage

last week, my heart fell apart. shortly followed by my head.
due to the fact i'm a fucking awful drunk and cannot keep my tongue in my own fuckin mouth i've ruined something so good and i know i'll never get that back. for a change, i was actually happy, my heart actually flipped everytime my phone buzzed and i couldn't get that boy out of my head for one minute, i was falling for him so hard!!! and i fucking ruined it. and it hurt so, so much. it's been a week, and i am still dwelling on it.

seriously, what helps with this? i'd love to know how this could be easier for me? how can i make it right? i wish i knew the asnwer, i swear i'd give anything to make it right. i hate this.

why the hell do i just love to sabotage myself, and everything good in my life.

i miss him :(

Wednesday 13 May 2009

equally as unproductive as yesterday

well, slightly less, i have actually done a little bit of work today, but i fear that is all i shall be doing today

i can't write up my notes revision style because i have forgotten my coloured pens and alas! i cannot revise without coloured pens! i'm a total nerd when it comes down to it really!

Just been re-reading all of my older posts and crikey, did i have alot of time to think ha! i have less time to ponder such crtical issues these days due to to much partying and not enough sleep. defiantely not complainging however.

Definately still battling against post-tour-blues! It was such a good week, and the fat amount of work i had to do brought me straight back down to earth as soon as i got home! ah well less than a month and then me an Bex are heading here....

Gonna be 12 days of sun, sea, sand and messy nights spent with the following days recovering. Just the break i will be needing after this hectic semester! i tell you, i have not stopped all year. I dont' regrtet a minute of it though.
I'm so excited for this summer, i have so much on; Majorca, modeling competiton in London, modelling for Saks hairdressing, (possibly) euro tour with the boys, Ieperfest09 and moving into my new house!!! So excited. It's gonna be one hell of a summer
love xo

Tuesday 12 May 2009

productivity = 0

So, what should i being doing today? alot of things is the answer to that question! i need to revise, no...i need to learn ! it's all fun and games skipping lectures to travel the country or to sleep in, but slightly regrettable now the time has come to revise the topics and then do an exam on said topics! i don't think could tell you one thing i have learnt form smester 2! this, is very worrying. However, i can tak solace inthe fact that i was in the same predicament for the last exams and managed to pull my finger out at the last minut and bust out two 2:1's! result!! it's been the same throughout my life (even in primary school). my report card says the same every year; "robyn is a very intelligent girl and scores good grades, but if she just pu that little extra effort into her work that we knowshe has, she could get GREAT grades"

i think i'm ok with 'good' for now.

so, instead of pulling my finger out and revising, im sat her whilst bex tidies her room around me and im actively looking for things to do that is NOT reivison. for example im about to start making my tour/recent happening diary. the amount of effort im putting into it; itll be awesome, i should reallly put this much effort into my work, i reckon i'd get a first!

word of the day; apathetic

peace xo

Thursday 7 May 2009

So, here it ends!

Update No. 2 of the tour!

So Hull was our final show! *tears!* We left Harrogate a little later than we should have, as we got promptly lost due to the satnav being of no use at all! Our homing devices finally kicked in and we made it on to the motorway and sped off to sunny Hull to do the radio show. I briefed the boys on what not to say (however little attention was paid!) and we started the show! All was going well until Mark inadvertedly called me floozy (my parents were listening!) caughey started swearing and my CD gave up the ghost! Aiden to the rescue with his blank CD's!! So, we carried on the show, having to cut it a little...well an hour short to make the show.

The set up was smooth with Holli and I manning the merch stall again, which as the tour progessed became more and more of an artform than any thing else, and i became extremely anal about anyone touching it ha! The two local bands were brilliant and before we knew it, it was time was the boys to play the last show of the tour! They played fanstic and we were all in really high spirits with echoes of; "DR DRE MOTHERFUCKER" resounding throughout the room to The Diehards set. Unfortunately the video camera ran out of film before the end of Rip It Up's song Half Mast but everyone enjoyed it any way.

I've never packed up te merch stuff so fast in my life, everything was away and into the van within minutes as we were trying to catch Fuck With Fire who were playing in Harrogate. We JUST to say made it and it was certainly worth it.

There's already talk of a Euro tour, so hopefully the talk will become reality!!!

What an amazing week, couldn't have spent it with better people!!!

Thank to every one who helped us out, Aiden and Holli for driving,. all of the promoters, Tom and the rest of nowhere fast, Dungeons, the Chatham lot for letting us stay in the venue, Mez, Ben, and just everyone who came to the shows thanks for the support, thanks for buying merch so we could feed the van and car petrol.

One of the best weeks ever xo

Tuesday 5 May 2009

What an amazing 5days...

So, it's the last day of the tour with Rip It Up (Newcastle) and The Diehards (Harrogate). It has been one hell of a tour.

First day started out with a hike over to harrogate where i was met by the lovely Hollie and 4/5's of The Diehards. We then began the tour on the drive up to Newcastle. The show had an amazing turn out at the practice rooms behind Cooperage. The Diehards, Black Wolves, Rip It Up, Nowherefast, Frites, CxRxP, Gut Care. The atmostphere was excellent with everyone bringing their own booze, and Caughey even got a bash to the head leaving a nice trophy wound for the rest of tour. We WERE up for going out, but everyone turned out to be far to hammered and sleepy so we headed back to Mark's house to catch some kip.

The next day started out with Josh and I going for a nice shopping trip resulting in some fresh new nike air max! Then we headed over to Aidens house where the van was waiting for the 6 boys, myself, and all of our gear. The harrogate lot (minus Josh) had headed back the night before so were meeting us in Liverpool . We set off later than planned with a few unscheduled stops in the middle of no where! Caughey's arse making regular appearances as usual. We than began the mammoth task of finding the skate park, than turned out to not even be in Liverpool but in Ainston. We stopped to ask for directions, but with the combination of Jo's thick geordie accent and the Lady at Blockbuster's thick Scouse accent, we mayaswell have not have bothered. Caughey, Mark, Josh and I amsued ourselves by making up songs about everything we saw, including tghe classic; "Disco Subway!". Even after phonecalls backwards n forwards, asking for more directions, and driving about for a good hour we still couldn't find the venue. Alas, it was too late, and the skate park had closed its doors and we still couldn't find it. Nowhere Fast came to meet us, took us to get alcohol, then we went back to Tom's gorgeous house to get wierd on the drink and have a good smoke. Everyone had a space on the floor to sleep, even if Josh and I did sleep on the upstairs landing.

The next day was gorgeous, a few of us even making it to the beach to frollock in the sand. We managed to pack all of our stuff up and go food shopping, even managed to take a wicked polaroid before setting off for Ipswich. The drive was long, but we had food, music, and Caughey's arse to keep us company. With Rob's arse even making an appearance as he drove past the van and hung out the window!!! All was caught on either camera or film so don't worry! Time seemed to fly by however, and we were in Ipswich in no time (well, we did have Hollie and her satnav leading the way!). As we scoped out the venue some of the boys paid a seedy sex shop a visit, with the owner even offering £10 off an Asian ladyboy sex DVD! We began unloadiung everything, and i set about the task of making the Rip It Up/Black Wolves splits. Turn out was pretty poor, but everyone that turned up made the most of it with kids jumping about for both bands and even some skateboarding during the sets! After the show we all went to a pub in town before parting ways and heading of to our destinations to sleep. Our lot ended up in a converted garage that is now a practice room, fully equiped with sound proofing on the walls, belgoning to members of Dungeons. everyone slept well, even if it was too hot, and the next day after everyone had showered a few of us played a bit of basketball/netball in the garden.

We then set off for Chatham. This drive was even less painfull and only took 1hr and a half to 2 hours. We found the venue in good time and got to mess around, skate around and just generally let off some steam before setting up all of the gear. Hollie and I made an excellent job of setting up the merch, we even sold some! Ript It Up and The Diehards played amazing as always and we all enjoyed the Black and Blue set! We soon discovered we were to be staying in the venue over night so we brought all of our stuff in after the show and proceeded to get wierd again on the drink and smoke. Caughey donned my bikini (which i shall burn at a later date) and danced about providing a good show for every one and before we knew it he was sompletely naked apart from his socks and shoes!!! Josh and I couldn't handle it any longer and bed down for the night, or so we thought. We were awoken by the lads dragging Josh around the room in his sleeping bag! We finally got to sleep and woke up in the freezing room with a banging head ache to discover the carnaged that had unfolded. We couldnt get a shower but us girls made the best of the freezing cold water in the bathroom and managed to scrub up quite well!

We said our good byes and set off on the road to Leeds. This time there was less of Caughey's arse and alot more of Mark sleeping. We stopped off at, what must have been, THE most expensive service station in the history of service stations! The drive took less time than we thought and we arrived at Mez's house where we were greeted with an amazing dinner. The gig was at The Pack Horse, which is a brilliant venue for shows in my opinon. I saw Ruiner and Sinking Ships there a while ago and it was a fantastic and intimate show. Valhallah Pacifists, The Diehards, Rip It Up, Ash, Waking the Dead. However the boys were all drained and tired from touring and the atmosphere just wasn't the same. Apart from Steve, who seemed to have drank away his tiredness and acheyness every day. After the show we drove back to Harrogate where many of us were thrilled at the prospect of sleeping in an ACTUAL bed!

As I write this we're sat in The Diehards front room all ready to Leave for Hull. The van with Aiden, Mark, Jo, Christoffaloffal-the-fallofelwaffel, Rob, Caughey and myself in is departing first in about ten minutes folloowed shortly by the rest of the Diehards who will arrive about 7pm. We are leaving early so that i can interview these lovely, smelly boys on my radio show.

So, if you're reading now, head on over to you can listen via that website. It's gonna be an awesome and hilarious show:)

I shall keep you updated on tonight's shinanigans! Hull, here we come! xo