Thursday 17 September 2009


VERY good place right now. Settled into my new job, co-workers are brilliant. Some suit gave me his number yesterday haha i politely declined the offer! Bex & Will move in this weekend! Next weekend freshers move in and my role as Social Sec finally begins! Al is coming to stay for a bit next week which im majorly SYKED about.

Starting to save money for travells next year. I stil cna't make my mind up where i'd like to go most. Cali (SnF fest), inter railing across Europe(inc Ieperfest), or Thailand. Hmm any of those for a month or so would be brilliant. Ohh maybe Ibiza?

Tonight is Claire's goodbye night out before she moves back to Sheffield :[ sad times. However this does mean regular visits to Sheff to go to Corp and get my smirk on haha.

Went to a good show the other night;

Only caught the end bands, but both were brilliant. Hordes were tight yo!

Went to both RZL DZL/ War Hungry/ Dirty Money shows (LDN & Bham) both shows were brill, however the LDN one was a liiiiitle pretentious but still a decent show. Spent a hella lot of money in Camden and in Brum center got some nice stuff though; Yellow crew-neck - 'M, i'd rather eat dirt', red/black plaid Fred Perry's, ankle boots from TopShop, and some vinyl & CD's in a record shop. So now im living frugely and spending as little as possible.

Ah Claire has arrived.
Toodelpip xo

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