Friday 25 September 2009

Sabbath Jam

currently spinning eyehategod
fuck me i forgot how amazing this band was.

Tuesday 22 September 2009


How much of our lives is spent 'waiting' for things.
Patience is a virtue i was definately not blessed with.

Brilliant day doing nothing at all with Bex. Sometimes the best days are where you do nothing at all and just kick back with some rubbish food and even worse television.

Up early tomorrow to get back into the swing of things, meeting with my boss to sort out all the promo work that needs to be done this week and next. Then Saturday begins freshers week and then Bex and I shall be leading the netball girls into battle to win over the freshers! ha.

Cig, Brew & Bed now!! Gutten Abend! xo

Thursday 17 September 2009


VERY good place right now. Settled into my new job, co-workers are brilliant. Some suit gave me his number yesterday haha i politely declined the offer! Bex & Will move in this weekend! Next weekend freshers move in and my role as Social Sec finally begins! Al is coming to stay for a bit next week which im majorly SYKED about.

Starting to save money for travells next year. I stil cna't make my mind up where i'd like to go most. Cali (SnF fest), inter railing across Europe(inc Ieperfest), or Thailand. Hmm any of those for a month or so would be brilliant. Ohh maybe Ibiza?

Tonight is Claire's goodbye night out before she moves back to Sheffield :[ sad times. However this does mean regular visits to Sheff to go to Corp and get my smirk on haha.

Went to a good show the other night;

Only caught the end bands, but both were brilliant. Hordes were tight yo!

Went to both RZL DZL/ War Hungry/ Dirty Money shows (LDN & Bham) both shows were brill, however the LDN one was a liiiiitle pretentious but still a decent show. Spent a hella lot of money in Camden and in Brum center got some nice stuff though; Yellow crew-neck - 'M, i'd rather eat dirt', red/black plaid Fred Perry's, ankle boots from TopShop, and some vinyl & CD's in a record shop. So now im living frugely and spending as little as possible.

Ah Claire has arrived.
Toodelpip xo

Wednesday 9 September 2009

I think?

I'm pretty happy right now, crushing hard :] but in a good way.

Jo has moved in, so the house feels more full already! He's dead good to me, making me cups of tea in the morning and breakfast! So yeah, i don't really want to go back to univrsity, or work ha, i wis my life was jus one big party ( well it is, but i wish it was one big party without the work in between ha). But i'm sure everybody does!

I'm gonna go into town now, get my smiley pierced i tink :]

I'll leave you wit my fave picture at the moment from the shoot i did with Emily Mae;

Friday 4 September 2009

War of the Worlds

is on my tv

so SCARY. The main thing that scares me is the scene where all the people are tryin to get in the car! it scares me that that is how human behaviour actually is. I hope that no blumming machines come from outer space!!

So full now! just had tea, feel sick actually haha.

Leeds was awesome, me and Mae went to see Lewd acts, Gold Kids and Throats again. We stayed to party with the boys again. Totally crushing harrrrrd right now.


haha why am i watching it

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Sorry, Journal It's Been A While...

so mae put on an AMAZIND gig at ringside; Gold Kids, Lewd Acts, Throats and Sex Dungeon.
Great laughs,
Great Guys
Sweet after party at mine with 22 people (2 gals - me n mae, and 20 guyds haha heaven. )
such awesome guys cant wait to see them again

hot rod
flight of the conchords
emily mae
rachael eggs benedict arnold
the prospect of leeds on thursday
the prospect of London at the weekend (for RZL DZL)(both courtesy of Aimee <3)
seeing Haroun5 ha
girlie chats
walking to the shops in my jimjams
more vino
such a good evening
gutted i have work tomo