Monday 17 August 2009

Mad Love

Holding some mad love for two girls in my life right now. Claire and Em-Mae. Having a night in with some Veggie Chilli, gossip and films tonight. It's always good to regain a bit of girl power in your life, when so constantly surrounded by testosterone!

Had one of those dreams last night, where I'm positive it's real and that I am awake. I could even feel the pain in this one. Bizarre. I also need to find a suitable sleeping pattern as 12hours+ a day is certainly not healthy.

Job hunting just took a positive step. Might get a job at my union. However downside is I'd have to wear a gay uniform. Beggars can't be choosers ey.

This computer is too slow, I'm off back to my Yard to clean the house for the girls' arrival.

New phrase courtesy of Claire; Bodacious!

Good day xo

Saturday 15 August 2009

Time flies...

When you're having fun!
So, New house = good. Lots of free time to do nothing but chill and hangout with who ever's left in hull. Got lots of positicve thigns to add i'll start at the begining;
  • Hopefully *fingers crossed* i will be a Modball girl 2010! just got to wait for people to vote for me and then BOOM ha 3000miles 6countries 150 cars mmmm heaven!! So ic an't wait for that. Trip of a lifetime!
  • Saw Carpathian on wednesday. Good to see the Aussies as it's been 2years since they stayed at mine! The played awesome as always, was great to hear their new stuff.
  • Waitd up to see the meteor shower but was dissapointed only saw a couple f them!
  • Will (my housemate) came to move some stuff in yesterday and we had an awesome drink down Princess Ave, lovely day!
  • And the best thing so far, (thanks to emily mae) Claire and I are talking again now!!! SOSOSO happy, she came round for a brew and it's like we never fell out :) good times.

Well, seeing as i spilt apple juice all over my laptop about 5monthjs ago, im struggling at home hah so im watchign countless episodes of Family Guy and i am now currently sat in an internet cafe! Good Life haha. Got two photoshoots lined up one next week, one the week after. One at home with Richy Leeson on smoe random location somewhere, and makign a change for me i shall be wearing clothes haha. And then one with Josh Brown here in Hull! That'll be great to see him we're gonna make a few days of and i'm gonna give him a tour of Hull haha.

That's all for now xo