Sunday 7 June 2009

Catching up...

So in the past 2 weeks, i have been to newcastle and liverpool wth the lovely Blackout boys. Seen the beautiful Holli for an amazing night out in hull! sat 2 exams! and said goodbye to my first year of university! The week concluded in style at our end of year ball where we saw the musical talents of Feeder, Athlete, Benga, Dillinja and even a Take That tribute band; 'Take That Back' haha. what a night! everyone looked so glamourous (compared to usual!) and everyone was in such high spirits!

I can NOT believe I have finished my first year! It has actually flown by. It hasn't really sunk in yet. It has certainly been one of the best years of my life! i wouldn't change any second of it for the world!

On more exciting news! Bex and I are jetting off to Majorca for 11days tomorrow!!! i can't wait!!!! sun sea sand drink good food good weather! and alll that jazz! it's gonna be awesomeeeee.

Right I must dash i have some serious packing to do. i'll leave you with a polaroid from tour!
xo peace n tofu xo

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