Monday 29 December 2008


In pictures, with a running commentary. I basically searched through my photo folders in search of those dated '08...


Harriet and I before a posh night out in Newcastle looking for rich older men! 12.01.08


Gettin crunk at harriet's flat. The following day i was 1hour late for an exam... and got 100%! good ey?!


At sumo with Charli and co. I had such a good time with Dave that night.


The morning after the Blacklisted&Shipwreck show. At chris' old house. With Hull Pack and LosingXStreak. Brilliant!!


Harriet's Birthday night out. We're cave girls.

Sleep pattern becoming more and more random. Slept 4am untill 7.30am and even then it was broken. Leaves time to think. Never good, on your own, in a darkened room.

on another note. fuck you. how dare you make me feel so worthless. of corse i'm talking to myself.

Sunday 28 December 2008

aurora borealis

"northern lights"

Some one called me this the other day. I like it.

On a more negative light. I do not like this new found extra padding I now have. It happened the same time last year. I did something about it. It was goooood. And then something bad happened. And i find myself back to square one...

Something must be done

Friday 26 December 2008

No War

It's a sad state of affairs this world is in.

Feelings: Anger, sadness, grief, guilt, determination, urgency

Something needs to be done. The answer and truth is not "up there" we needs to look to each other and most importantly ourselves for "the answer". There is no divine power, only man power. Only we can put right all we have done wrong. And the sooner the world actually realises this the better. Stop looking upwards, and starting looking forwards. Make a difference in this world



what can i cram into the last few days of 2008?

this year has been amazing,lady luck has worked in my favour and that little thing called fate has been on my side.

any resolutions for the next year?

I'll get back to you on that...

Thursday 25 December 2008

Appeal To Reason...


seriously, this album is good.

merry christmas. i hope you all find what you were looking for. I found mine under the tree....