Friday 26 September 2008

No, Sleep, 'till Brooklyn!

So yeah, I can't sleep. Too excite/anxious. Was looking out of my bedroom window having a crafty cig and just enjoying how serene and peacful the West End of Darlington is at night. Free from the cackles of drunken, pregnant teenage girls as well as foul language and drunken tirades of immature chavs. Ahhhh, i can almost here the old timers snoring in there arm chairs.

Leaving the Nest...

So, the big day is finally upon me. Tomorrow for the very first time, I shall be moving out and onto pastures new. Like thousands of other 18 year olds up and down the country, I will be taking the biggest step of my life and enrolling on a full time course at university (the University of Hull). To be honest... I'm starting to get cold feet. I wonder if everyone else is too? No more Mum to do everything for me. No more Dad to tease me and spoil me. I've had to say goodbye to some of my oldest and dearest friends these past weeks and it has been tough. Not only am I disappearing off to 'Sunny Hull' but they are also back off to their new lives in far away cities like Newcastle, Warwick, Cambridge, Sheffield, London and some even abroad. I'm starting to get that sinking feeling that from tomorrow certain things i have taken for granted are just going to be ripped out form underneath me.

I sound like I don't even want to go. I really, REALLY do, and I am unbelievably excited if a little aprehentious. This is my chance to prove myself. Prove I can push my self that little bit further. It is also a blatantly obvious chance for me to have an absolutely wild time and never look back. I wonder if everyone else is feeling this way. Of corse they must be.

I really miss this place.
I often wonder why can't not only England, but other fast pace, impatient, ignorant (and not to mention obese) nations be more like the quiet, laid back Belgians.
Where good beer, architecture and bicycles come first.
Where pride in their hometown and country is obvious through the pristine nature of the streets.
Where hardcore thrives in every social club and backstreet pub.
I was fortunate enough to have the chance to visit Ieper(Ypres) on the French border last year for what was actually one of the most amazing weekends of my life; live music, vegan food, great beer, great company. I have since been back for the same festival, but also for Justice last show and a small part of me went just to see the beautiful country again. The weather is great, if only a little better than England's.

(Oli Photo)

I forgot how therapeutic having a blog/diray was. I'll update this more often.